Sunday, January 18, 2009


i haven't blogged a poem in a while, so here's one:

Once you reach a certain point,
Your soul-bent genius takes the fall.
Transcendence senses keen anoint,
And rapture binds you in its thrall.

Beethoven heard the angels sing,
Which deafened him to earthly tune,
And Galileo's light blinding
Made life look like a dark side moon.

Man yearns to the ethereal
Through art, science, life-ology,
But once you learn to truly feel,
You get lost in your ontology.

as always, feedback would be great. =] i like the title as icarus, cuz of the sort of reaching the sun and falling, but i may rename it, just cuz i may want to write a poem about icarus' story itself.


Jessi said...

I love this. I feel like we've had this conversation before too. Multiple times :)

You could write a kick-ass icarus poem.

Word Ver: emullism

Isn't that word?
No? I'm declaring it one.
The mannerisms of one trying to emulate someone far better than said person.
Ie: Tarik, you're emullisms are hilarious, but seriously give it up. You'll never be as cool as Jake.

AU said...

I feel eclipsed. Great poem. :D