Sunday, January 25, 2009


here's a few of my favorite song lyrics. yay boredom. =P

"Here's to the man of your dreams." Oceans Away by The Fray

I love this line mostly because of the tone of it in the song. The music is still for a moment, and his voice is tired with a hint of anguish, but above all, resigned.

"I took a guess and cut a portion out of my heart
He said that's nowhere close enough but it's a damn good start
I wrote the secret that I buried on the wishing well wall
He said I've seen one... it follows that I've seen them all
We spoke of human destination in a perfect world
Derived the nature of the universe (found it unfulfilled)
As I took him in my arms he screamed I'm not insane
I'm just looking for someone to understand my pain..." Devil in the Wishing Well by Five for Fighting (of course)

I just love the feeling of this moment, someone taking the time to talk to the devil and try to understand and connect with him, make him feeling just a little less lonely. everyone needs such understanding, and the fact that it's the devil being understood here makes no one exempt.

"What does this feeling mean to you, both to be seen and to be seen through." Passing Strange by Stew

it's a great, short way to describe at least part of love. the surrendering your self and your defenses to the person.

that's all 4 now. =]

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