Sunday, January 4, 2009

new years

hey ppls, u probably know it's new years. i've been thinking a lot, talking to ppl some, most of the thoughts either expressed, too private, or unexpressable, so i guess i'll skip them and just do some resolutions:

1) stay in shape/get in better shape, either by working out every day, doing a sport if not dtw, just being more active i guess. i seem to be a laze outside of hip hop class or other dance related places.

2) stay sharp with work even during second semester, dont just blow off senior initiative, dont slack off, even after getting into college.

3) GET HOME ON TIME. (juliet knows what im talking about =P)

4) get into dtw, cuz it's always sooo much fun. (this one's less up to me)

5) in peer leadership, give my freshmen something out of the experience, make them remember or at least not regret the sessions.

6) in piano and dance, get better at improv, be it hip hop, modern, jazz music, i just want to be more original and dynamic.

7) keep writing poetry (obviously), maybe do an epic poem, or something epic with poetry.

8) make poetry club more active, keep the laid back environment, but organize more things than just reading in meetings.

that should do it for now, happy 2009! =]

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