Thursday, April 16, 2009


disclaimer: you may find this post pretentious of me, but watever.

so, today was good, 3 labs, did some work, some kenken, didnt play much gameboy.

oh, and i discovered the meaning of life. this time for real, cuz TdeZ verified and discussed it with me. it's not happiness, it's not love, cuz the meaning of life is bigger than human desire. it's about how every living thing is designed to continue living and procreate, continuing its species. it's about how every living thing is naturally equipped to survive and keep living as a primary function.

even amoeba, single-celled creatures, separate and duplicate, survive and procreate by instinct. evolution itself was a species' reaction to its environment, changing to stay alive in a setting that wouldn't change to suit its needs. even after thousands of years of society and millions of years of evolution, humans still seek food, fear death, and long to procreate.

life is the opposite of death by definition. by this, its meaning lies in its opposition of death. living things are constantly striving to stay alive, to stave off death and continue life.

in short, life's meaning is survival and procreation. life is designed to continue itself. initially, this made me really anxious, making me think that the only reason we're here is to not die, and to continue our species. but TdeZ helped me realize that the beauty of life is that its self-preservation is in its nature. everything, from flowers to animals to humans have a need, an instinct to stay alive, even if they're not aware of it.

but don't think that our lives have no meaning besides surviving, because i still think that human life has a different purpose besides surviving, because there's so much that humans do that is neither to survive nor to procreate. but that's a more question for another day.

and i know it's an intense question i just tried to answer, and feel free to doubt me, but that answer works for me. i know what i felt and i trust TdeZ. make of it what you will, but this is what i believe.

1 comment:

toosure said...

word verification: rednes

i agree with you-there has to more to life than just surviving and procreating-and not just human life either. we get too caught up in the fact that we are humans-we don't know what's going on in the animal world-there might be some very interesting developments in the fish species(for real though)that we don't know about only because they don't affect us. or maybe they do and we don't even realize. But anway, maybe we are here to make it easier for those who come in the future...but that can't be all. Because, then, what is love, right?