Sunday, April 26, 2009


eugene: i'm happy for u and julia. i heard the poem u wrote for her and it sounds like u're really happy about it. i'll admit, i was surprised when i first heard about u 2, but seeing the look in her eyes that night in astor place when she told me she was waiting for u made me think that this could really be something beautiful. suerte y amor, chico.

dillon: u know i'm sorry about what happened, but i think this will help u start looking after yourself more. i won't elaborate because i know this is somewhat public, but u know i'm here for u, and just know it's not the end of the world, or love, by any means.

russ: last night was nice. idk, u sorta looked out of ur element at times, but it was nice having u there and playing wii with u. i feel like we drifted this year, and i know it was cuz i was jealous of u and jessy getting so close over the summer, telling each other everything and relying on each other. i just felt like a third wheel and that we couldn't really connect cuz u wouldn't tell me wat was going on half the time. but i know now that it's how u operate, and that it doesn't mean we can't still be close. i missed u man. here's to more good times b4 college.

andrew heinrich: what happened.


RajKat said...

needs-some-showers-man? what?

Anonymous said...

eugene and julia? like julia waaaaatanaaaaabe?
whaaaaaa hapannnnaaaaaaaaaaasszxzdcrrrzzz

Jake said...

yup. to both. also, gen, i miss u!!!!!

Shadow's Friend said...

I really like this post :)

BTW I'm getting sick of all of the word verifications