Tuesday, February 3, 2009


ok, tolu inspired me to tell some trufs (truths) to you lovely people. idk what im keeping off the top of my head, but we'll figure out now, won't we.

russ: u were right on ur blog, things r going great for u, the mayor's medal thing, rpi, mara maybe coming, i'm really happy for u man. but frankly, stay positive, cuz at times u let urself get too down on yourself for less than crucial things. don't sweat the small stuff, shit happens, and don't forget the monkey rope analogy from moby dick. when you fall into depression, u pull us down somewhat too. such is friendship. =]

jess: i'm proud of you for what you sent me, and for your trying to start focusing more on what's good for u. i look forward to future convos about happiness and your infinite amount of labs. take dozens of picture and WRITE MORE POEMS dammit. you have a gift for writing, photography, conversation, and contemplation. if you can't convince yourself of your worth, just trust ur friends on this, cuz we love u for you, the you that we see, not wat u pretend to be, the smile you put on for the rest of the world. we won't be fooled so easily. oh, also, stay out of trouble. 'nuff said. =]

gen: I MISS YOU SO MUCH! i hear you're having a lot of fun at maine coast tho, so i'm happy for you. still, i miss u being on the 3rd floor for house, and your hugs and calling me jakey or jakers. i hope ur meeting amazing ppl who love you as much as we do, cuz if they care for u any less, u may as well get ur fun ass back here now. stop thinking your silly/crazyness is a bad thing. we love you for it, not because it makes u weird to us, but because you embrace it so fully and freely, and we love that spirit you posess, and if you don't, you should too. =]

tolu: i wanna call u madam T more often, cuz u r like a big mama, but that's not dignified enough. you're a lady, courteous, honest, nice, you don't take bullshit, and you respect yourself, unlike FAR too many girls at our school. =P ur writing and ur dancing is PHENOMENAL. never think anything less of yourself. ur most fun when you're not thinking about what ppl will think of what your about to do. if i or someone close to u ever stares at a time like that, its because we like to see u free and un-self-conscious. so basically, dance like no one's watching, and when we are watching, keep dancing. and write and read ur poems more. ppl should hear what you have to say! =]

juliet: i don't want this to be too mushy, but it's hard for me to say anything bad about u. i love you, u clearly know that, but i wish you saw all the incredibleness in you that i see. i know it's really hard to do that, to love yourself as much as someone else does, but i like to think i'm helping u. ur dancing today was hypnotizing, each movement was so smooth, with just enough pop, and your body flowed like ribbons through the air. never stop having a shit about u, don't let my pokes etc stop u from singing, cuz really i love seeing u so happy and free, and i could look into ur eyes forever. err, i guess i dont reli have any criticism, just keep caring less about how ur hair looks, and how ur dance moves may look, everything, cuz ur great at everything u do. trust me. =]

no matter what i said to all of you, i love you all, and that's the biggest truf of all. =]


Jessi said...

:) You're too cute. I will try. Lord knows I have time now.

And I'm glad you guys are all proud of me, because frankly, I feel like utter shit. And I want to kick myself. And I'm talking to you online right and not telling you this because yet again I don't want to admit it because maybe if I don't put words to it, it won't be real. :\ But hey, thank you. I do promise to write more. And be honest-er with you guys.

Love you dearly.

toosure said...

nooooooooo wayyy
ur making me cry-thanks jake
i'm gonna try and write a lot more now too because i wanna have an epic book like you do-what you think means a lot to me-a lot more than regular people-so thanks :)

Word verification: derlize
-reminds me of zoolander

Jake said...

u both better have epic-er books than I have, just keep writing. you taught me that what I have to say, because it's mine, is important regardless of what other people have to say around me, so I say the same to u now.

also, word verification: rocke. what happened.