Wednesday, February 25, 2009


what do you do when you can't help the ones you care about most?

you can give as many hugs as you want, say "shh, there there, it's ok" as many times as you want, you can give all the kisses and comforting touches you want, but i mean, if it doesn't help, what's left to do?

when you can't save your friend from her mind cuz she doesn't want to go back in, or you can't convince your girlfriend that she is good enough because "i love you" just becomes irrelevant.

how do u tell your friend not to look at the past like scars or times she's been beaten, but reminders of what she dealt with and came out of still standing. how do you tell her that just the fact that she still can interact with people, and more over, still has faith in humanity, is a testament to her strength after the shit she's experienced.

how do u tell your girlfriend that she's good enough when you yourself are blinded by how much you love her. that when you see her dance, who cares about anyone else, she glows. fine, maybe she's not the best bball player or the best dancer, and maybe history's giving her a hard time, but who cares? u never know where you'll be in 10-15 years, she may not even be remotely interested in bball or dancing as a career, and she doesn't even have to take history next year, and maybe never again. for now, all that should matter is that she enjoys what she does, which i know for a fact she does, and no dickwad coaches or stupid choreographers can change that.

khalil said something today, that we've only lived about 1/4, 1/5 of our lives. shit's just getting started, we literally have our whole lives ahead of us. don't let this temporary stuff get you so down now, time changes all things and heals all wounds. the future can always be bright if you believe it will be, and the present only lasts so long. i love you both, and i hate seeing you upset. just keep your heads up looking to the sky and above whatever shit is bothering you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this was really good :)