Sunday, November 16, 2008

so much stuff

i just realized. NO ONE is great at everything. NO ONE can even do everything there is to do. there's simply just too much. and even though it's an idea that sets a limit to our existence, it also speaks to the unlimited nature of life. i love that.

i love knowing that no matter how much i focus on trying to do everything, i can't. some people i know might not like this fact as much, that no matter how much sleep u skip, u'll never have enough time in your life to master everything, every art form, every sport, every movement of your own body, every way to please someone, be it emotionally or physically, but i'm getting inappropriate.

basically, i like that even though tarik's soooo beyond me in gospel and jazz piano, we both have our own specialties like that. he's a gospel and jazz pianist, which comes with endless amounts of chords and harmonies and disonances, while i'm more classical and....alternative? which comes with more focus on touch with the piano, and feeling the melodies, and phrasing of the pieces and not just the chords and improv harmonies.

and i like that even though cole is soooo beyond me in waving, and isolation stuff, that i'm better than him with foot stuff, i think. (heel-toe, crip walk, he might be a better glider) watever. i jock on him at guitar hero. =P

and finally, i love that i can still goof off and play solitaire and text twist (which i also beast at =]) and be cute and silly with my amazing friends and incredible girlfriend, and still maintain some level of skill in the things i do. i don't have to be the best, because frankly, i don't have the time to devote myself enough to all of the things i do. and i'm totally fine with that. i like being a jack of all trades, even if i don't have the devotion to be king. =]

cuz really, my life in general makes me feel like king of the world anyway =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that made me happy. thanks yaku.