Sunday, October 19, 2008

all we are

i've been thinking about this for a loooooong time, but recently tolu and juliet have made me revisit it. who am i?

it's weird, i've been telling my middle school and now high school....followers? i guess u'd say, that high school is about getting an idea of who u r. it's my senior year, and i've definitely come a long way from when i was a freshman. i've started a club, i'm the head of another club, i'm a peer leader, a freshman and sophomore say they wanna be me, and i get compliments almost every day, mostly from the new freshman, saying how i'm the man. i really feel like a king here, and i have the perfect queen. =]

but back to who i am. let's see. my mom has called me a renaissance man, and despite the biased source, i guess that describes me pretty well. i'm a poet, a pianist, a bit of a composer and singer, and an ok dancer.

as for my being a dancer, i've noticed that everyone has a distinct style. jack's a breakdancer, cole's a ridic wave artist, i'd call it, sam's a...pop n locker?, amadi's a krumper, mostly, so is naja, tolu's...hmm, she's got this reli african, bodily flare in every dance, juliet, she's sort of a smooth isolationist, i guess. it's hard to define. and as for me, err, i guess i'm sort of a waver, not as crazy as cole, a bit of a krumper, most of my moves involve chest popping, but i've got some solid foot skills. so idk exactly wat my dance style is, mostly chest and feet. =P

as a poet, i know pretty much exactly wat i am. this is mostly thanks to jessy. i'm a daydreamer of a poet. i take notice of every day things, i see them as beautiful, and i try to put them into words. i also examine people though. their happiness, but mostly their scars and their masks. so i guess i'm an absent-minded psychologist of a poet. =P

as for piano, my god, i went to dinner last night at my sister's friends house, and her mom plays piano, and they had the most AMAZING piano in their living room. it was like 8-10 ft long, which is huge for a piano, this light brown, almost engraved body, and the sound was ahhhh, perfect. the keys didn't stick, they werent loud or clanky, it was a masterpiece of a a piano. as a musician, my strength is my ear, and this goes for piano and singing. i can think of good harmonies, i can pick out almost any song ive heard (except spanish music and stevie wonder, for some reason =P) basically, in piano, i play wat i like. that's wat i focus most on. i have good touch on the keys, cuz i've seen my piano teacher's reaction to me playing sometimes, and she's been teaching for like 40 years, and she thinks i have a gift. so i guess i must have some talent. =]

but as a person, that's a whole other story. i'm sensitive, but i've gotten less emotionally entangled, in terms of sympathizing with others, i dont get as involved with their problems now, like if my friend is going through some rough shit, i don't worry all the time any more, but i still care, so i think i've found a good balance. since freshman year, i've def gained a ton of self-confidence and have become way more outspoken. i'm not afraid to get in a dance circle, but i do have trouble planning my moves, making up original stuff. =P

i've gotten over most of my past insecurities, i know i dont have a six pack, but i'm fine with my belly, it's fun if nothing else, haha. i realize i'm attractive, thanks to my female friends and beginning to wear jeans, quite frankly, and i know im not a genius, but i know im smart. i still think a lot, about life, i like to people watch, just to watch their faces, looking for emotions or reactions or something, not all the time, that'd be creepy, but sometimes.

so let's see if i can sum myself up: i'm a sensitive artist who sometimes talks shit during video games, im a good student who thinks a lot, but sometimes slacks off to hang out with my friends, who i love. i like to make ppl laugh, and listen to their problems to help them feel better, but sometimes, it just feels like alot. it doesnt stop me from listening, but sometimes i just dont go out of my way to listen to them. so i guess im a good friend, but not the perfect friend, i dont always have the best advice, but i try, and i guess my worst trait is that i think of things sexually too much. =P it's nothing i act on really, but i have a dirty mind sometimes. nothing disgusting, just unnecessary sometimes, but maybe that's just me being a guy. but all in all, i like who i am, i like my life, i love my friends, and i love my girlfriend. oh, which reminds me, i love looking at peoples eyes and trying to watch people think. which is why blogs are awesome. they let u inside someone's head. ok, long long post over. that is me, in a...big nutshell. =]

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