Friday, September 12, 2008


being a guy is weird. being a girl is harder, undeniably, but guys have a pretty bad reputation, at least from the female point of view. but they have a point. a lot of guys talk about girls like they're objects. "i'd tap that" "she's got such a great body" etc. things get more complicated when guys become friends with girls, and they share views of men with us.

it's weird, cuz sometimes, a girl's just like "wow, he's hot" or "i'd fuck him", and then they get pissed at guys for looking at them just like objects. sure, girls are right to get pissed at guys, cuz we are worse, in that men think of women sexually probably a lot more than women think of men sexually, and that men act on those thoughts, pursuing the sexual experience, A LOT more than women do. but you're further objectifying us by thinking of us as sleezes or sketches for how we go about it, just like we objectify women when we call them sluts or bitches because of how they act.

but with guys, i like to think it's not all about sex. sometimes, we see a beautiful girl, and sure, we're attracted sexually, but i hope that at least 1 in 5 times, we just want to know your name, to start. but yea, men r pigs, we're driven by sex far too much, but we do have to put ourselves out there for non-sexual things too. like when we genuinely like a girl, we cant rely on them to make the first move most of the time, and then, the girl could think we're sketchy, or ugly, or unappealing in some way, shape or form, and it can get to us. oh wait, but men r pigs, and if we're only driven by sex, feelings should have no effect, right? hmm, but then again, i'm probably still a boy, so maybe i can have feelings. yay?

i dont even know why i wrote this. i'll probably delete it soon. sorry.

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