Monday, September 28, 2009


(disclaimer: juliet, this is not about u. i never doubt that i loved you)

sometimes, most of the time, guys are stupid. we can't tell u how we feel, so we act out, or ignore you, or hook up. idk about the last one personally, but watever. in accordance to popular belief, guys are simple. contrary to popular belief, we do have feelings. unfortunately, those emotions can get us into trouble or get us hurt, so we don't acknowledge them nearly as much as we should. this makes us come off as numb half intentionally and half out of self-defense.

it can get to the point where we feel something, act in response, but don't even understand the real feeling that's making us do these things. unless it's something as overpowering and devastating as true love, which we have enough trouble reconciling anyway, we're more or less emotionally illiterate. it sucks, but sometimes we don't tell u how we feel cuz we legit don't know.

the point of this is that guys are simple, but we do care, even if we can't express or say it for shit. but what we can do, when we care about someone, is try to keep them near to us, and caring about us. that's why we say things, and stay near u, and then panic and retreat when we see our cover falling from our heart and our actions. we overplay our hand out of wanting you near, and then we clutch our cards to our chest immediately to save face and heart.

ladies, and men who don't realize, know that we do care. we're too simple to fuck around and lead u on without reason. we do care. it can suck at times, but we do.


Jewelz said...

it's kinda funny how while i feel like you have such a deep understanding of your gender, i have absolutely no clue about mine.
all i know is that we're pretty damn confusing
= P

word verification: ingli
*teehee* fun to say

Jake said...

haha, it's half personal experience, half guesswork. =]

cc said...

i second jewelz's comment.
but i will also contend that i have no clue about a lot of things, which would explain why i'm so damn oblivious all the time.