Saturday, July 18, 2009

sympathy vs. empathy vs. apathy

since my last post was supposed to say empathy every time i wrote sympathy, i thought this would be a good next topic.

i realized that throughout most of highschool, i never really sypathized. i was always either empathetic or apathetic to people. with people i cared about, i always tried to relate to them, understand what they were feeling. it didn't seem to be enough to just recognize that what they were going through sucked. i had to experience it with them so that they weren't so alone in their plights. with people i didn't care about as much, i either didn't know their problems, or i didn't really care because their issues seemed trivial next to what the people i cared about were always going through.

but empathy gets draining, and apathy gets numbing, so we almost need to practice sympathy to keep a healthy distance between caring about others and preserving your own piece of mind.

someone once told me that the man who is completely selfish has no friends, but neither does the man who is completely selfless, and that might be the best advice i've ever been given. empathy can be rare, but it's potent, so if you can, by all means, empathize with people going through shit. but if not, it never hurts to show you care, or sympathize, if that's the correct definition.

"though thought and feeling lie so far apart,
though possibility does make me wince,
i often as if i do have a heart,
this beating in my chest does not convince."


Shadow's Friend said...


Jewelz said...

as much as i agree with pretty much everything you said, i'm not sure if you can say that haven't sympathized with anyone ever.
as much as you say you empathize with your close friends and apathize with people who aren't your close friends, i'm sure you have entered that middle ground at some point. knowing you, you don't easily ignore people's problems, even if you don't know them very well.