Friday, September 12, 2008


i'm sorry. to all women everywhere. i'm sorry men seem to see u as just sexual objects, things we want, but plenty of guys in the past have tried treating you like people. ladies, think of a close friend of yours who was a straight guy. he was always so sweet, listening to you, doing schoolwork with you, holding doors open, comforting you when guys were douches to you, and just being there for you, as a friend should. ok, there's at least a 75% or so chance that guy was CRAZY about you at some point.

sure, part of his being crazy about you was because he was sexually attracted to you, and that probably affected how he saw you, just like it would any guy, because he was like many guys. but despite that possibly lustful admiration of you, he was still a friend. just cuz he was attracted to you, it didn't keep him from being there for you, always.

maybe one day he told you how he felt, that he had a crush on you, or god forbid, loved you. =P and you were shocked. you'd never thought of him like that. he was always so nice, and treated you so well, why would you be interested in a guy like that?

i could easily be wrong, but that's my theory on why MEN are dicks. when we were BOYS, we were nice to you, got close to you, somehow fell for you, and you didn't see us in that light. and that hurts. trust me. it never gets easier, hearing "but you're really sweet" "any girl would be lucky to date you" etc, from the girl you care so much about. and im not saying that women don't get hurt like that, but for some reason, it seems to happen to guys more. maybe we're more susceptible to falling for those close to us, who knows. but bottom line, when we were nice, we were friends, and nothing more.

but guys have needs, unfortunately. and those needs were not met by being nice to you ladies. we were hurt, and angry, and we became dicks to not get stuck as "just friends". it seemed like a good idea at the time, and maybe the first few women responded well to the change, probably cuz they saw it just as flirting, playful. but we gained faith in that method, i guess, and we continued to use it. it worked, and we were satisfied, at least sexually. but by this time, we saw emotions as less than helpful, so we were ok to neglect them in our sexual pursuits.

and so hurt boys became horny men who became numb dicks. sorry, if i sound like i'm bitching, i'm bitching about my past, not my present. again, i could be COMPLETELY wrong, this doesn't necessarily hold true for all men, but i can think of at least 4 men for whom it does/did. nice guys do get overlooked, and that's why we seem to be in such short supply. my apologies, ladies of the world who have been wronged by my gender.

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