Sunday, January 31, 2010


so i haven't posted in a month, and i haven't posted a poem since goodness knows when, and since i'm in a writing poetry class with fucking poet laureate richard wilbur (it's ok, be impressed =P) i figure i should post.

now that i think of it, we're writing a poem a week for this class, so maybe i'll just post them up here too every week. we'll see how long it lasts.

The clouds now gather over light,
As something is about to fall.
A gravity pulls down the wall
And dims a star no longer bright.

The sky's a saturated grey,
A weighted, guilty weariness.
Whatever sin need be confessed,
Her disposition soft betrays.

Then, drop by drop, the tears descend,
A whispering into a yell.
The thunder booms, a flashing tell
That charged emotions now contend.

The wind strips down the mighty trees,
And tugs at every blade of grass,
The earth but waits, her rage will pass;
Ever the diva, ever the tease.

The skies subside, the sun returns,
And heaven seems to smile again.
The ground takes solace, as her friend,
Forgotten in his cuts and burns.
