Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas

so yea, i didn't forget it was christmas =]

as always, i wish everyone all the happiness and love and peace that i feel we each deserve everyday. we just happen to pick today to go all out in giving that to others. still, keep this cheer and good spiritedness towards ourselves and others as fresh as possible all year round.

why u ask? why not? =D

happy holidays.

chick flicks (expected)

ok, so i saw the notebook and he's just not that into you in the same week, and i loved them both. surprise surprise.

it's been too long since i've blogged, but i don't know where to begin. ok, the notebook was pure beauty from beginning to end, and even though i could predict almost everything in the movie, i still cried at the end. too touching an ending. couldn't handle it.

i expected he's just not that into you to be cheesy, predictable, and cliche, but i really liked it. the ending was bittersweet, as to where the characters ended up (alone or with someone). the right people ended up happy though. they weaved the characters together pretty well, and they set up the romances nicely. all in all, i'd watch it again. but i feel like the notebook is one of those movies that will just stick with me to the point that i won't need to see it again.

err, updates, updates.... college is still great, finals weren't so bad. a little stressful, but as my upperclassmen friends showed me, it'll be worse soon enough. =P i'm writing poetry as always, playing piano as always, i'm probably gonna audition for one of the dance groups up there next semester, oh, and i'm singing my ass off. =]

i'm not gonna lie, i love it at amherst, and that doesn't look like it's gonna change. but it's always good to be home with the ppl i love. i hope i see every person who gets to read this b4 i go back on the 8th. =]