Friday, March 27, 2009

real talk

tolu always inspires me to do real talk, and since i have a spare moment, here.

jess: i'm so happy for you with all your college acceptances. i'm so proud, even though i always knew you'd dazzle colleges. i told you so =]

i don't know what's going on with fred, but when you feel like talking about it, give me a call, ok? i'm reading and it sounds heavy.

russ: look, i love you like a brother, but dude, like i said at celena's, if you want these girl problems to stop, change what you're doing. i'm not saying you have to become like me, and be best friends with a bunch of girls or whatever you think would be better, but stop hooking up in situations where ppl like you, cuz drama will go down. just cuz u can get all the girls you want, doesn't mean you should. no one's forcing you to do it, so if things go sour, just remember it was your decision and own up to that. ok?

tolu: t, you are real, kind, sweet, a good friend, and above all, talented. if guys don't like you because of your personality, u deserve better anyway. and you are clearly an amazing dancer, so if i hear you doubting yourself again, i may have to smack some sense into you, k?

fred: look, i don't know what's going on, i know i haven't talked to you in a while, but in some way clear stuff up with jessy. you are her world and i know you know that. if for no other reason, make that responsibility the spur that makes you do whatever you have to to set things straight with her.

gen: i'm really glad to see you, and i can tell that maine coast has made you happy. you love the ppl, you've made great friends, you seem happier, slightly calmer but not too much, and you're glowing with a new energy. we missed u a lot girl, but i guess it was worth it to see how happy this has made u. don't leave again tho, k? we love you. and...just like this is the beginning of our lives, this is just the tip of the iceberg in the ppl we'll know, so don't think the majority of ppl suck just cuz of this upper east side petri dish school we go to. keep exploring the world, and i know you'll like what you see.

that's good for now, see you guys in a few days.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


so in spain, a few of us talked about beauty and established some good stuff. everything has some beauty in it, meaning not only that there's someone, somewhere who will find beauty in some given thing, but that beauty is inherent in things. objects, people, everything has some shimmer of beauty. how much beauty we each see in it becomes a more subjective matter, but beauty exists in things, not in our perceptions.

also, i was thinking about kinds of beauty that different ppl prefer. like it seems to me like jessy likes wild, unconventional, "c'est la vie" kinds of beauty. not to say she doesn't enjoy calm sights like a mountain or a lake, but she prefers the kinds of beauty in things that make her heart dance. i, on the other hand, like to think that i like more calm beauty, like clouds, or a night sky, or sunlight muted by leaves. still, the idea of things like meteor showers and swirling nebulas out in space also strike me. but still, i guess i express my joy in a calmer way than someone like jessy might.

continuing on, (and this is just my opinion, feel free to dispute ppl who i refer to) i feel like russell's preference for beauty is more...structural? i feel like he could find a well built machine or the inner workings of something beautiful in how everything fits, how everything works together. idk. to me, this preference is even more calm than mine. juliet, on the other hand, i believe falls in between me and jessy. cuz she can appreciate clouds like i can, but you'd be hard pressed to see her listening to music without dancing to it. jessy may not dance as much, but you can see her zest for something in her writing about it.

all this, i believe links to our personalities. jessy's very dynamic, tends to feel extremes, while russell is more muted or subdued, and juliet and i fall near the middle, me more calm, her more dynamic. ok, enough for now. night nyc, i missed you. =P

(and of course, you, cookie pants =])

Sunday, March 8, 2009

star-crossed love?

so i was thinking...this isn't a scientific theory or anything by any means.

we learned in astronomy that the way galaxies move is more or less random. although the universe is expanding, and galaxies lie light years upon light years away from one another, some galaxies are slowly moving towards each other. in addition, when some galaxies collide, they don't explode, but they simply mesh together and blend. i can't possibly think of a more beautiful way the universe can interact.

so anyway, how cool would it be if these galaxies wandered and swirled and collided into each other not necessarily because of gravity, but because of love? or rather, what if the gravitational forces between galaxies in space was equivalent to the love and attractive force between living things?

think of it. billions of stars, billions of planets, all swirling around a center of gravity, somehow sensing or feeling a similar celestial structure, and feeling irresistibly drawn to each other. moving slowly over millions of years, swirling in the same direction (because they have to be in order to collide meshingly), aching to reach the other. what if entire galaxies felt like humans did? what if everything in the universe was moving, yearning toward something else in the universe, just wishing to collide and connect with something similar, traveling unimaginable distances just to reach the object of their attraction.

i know plenty of u will call this post 'expected', but screw it. gravity is the force of love between celestial bodies. there, i said it. =P